West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, November 12, 2012

Location: The home of Dorothy Soper

Attendees: Miriam Aiken, Keith Beyer, Josette Green, Dale Morse, and Dorothy Soper

Guests: Juliet Bender, Charles Goldsmith, Patty MacAfee, Lori Matthew

  1. Welcome

  2. Updates

    1. The book group meeting in November had 3 more participants. The next meeting will be in January 2013 at Dorothy’s home. The title of the book to be discussed is: The Measure of a Dream: A Peace Corps Story by Lora Perisien Begin.

    2. Correspondence: The group received a letter from the Peace Corps Partnership office thanking us for our contribution to the PCP in Costa Rica; helping to build a classroom for computer equipment.

  3. Upcoming Events

    1. November 15th newsletter contributions are due to Dorothy.

    2. December 7th is the next potluck with election of board members.

    3. December 10th is the final board meeting for the 2012 board.

  4. Treasurer’s Report

    Budget and expenditures are on target for the year. The board moved and passed a motion to add a $50 donation to the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund. A donation of $20 had already been added to the fund. A motion passed to add another $30 to the fund to make an even $100 increase.

  5. December 7th Potluck

    Members will be asked to send Maggie Keenan 3 – 5 photos of themselves at their Peace Corps sites. The slides will be incorporated into a power point presentation for the potluck. Dorothy will send a special email to the newest members, most of whom are newly returned PCVs. The potluck will be held at Joyce Leader’s home.

  6. Business portion of the December 7th potluck

    1. The December potluck fulfills the requirement of the group Annual General Meeting.

    2. There will be a brief summary of the year’s activities,

    3. Introduction of the candidates for the 2013 board, and,

    4. Election of the new board.

  7. Status of calendar and tee shirt sales

    1. Calendars: 75 of the 200 calendars that were ordered have been sold. Dorothy will bring calendars to the December potluck. James Cloutier said that he would be in charge or selling bulk quantities to Eugene retailers. Dorothy will check with him on that.

    2. Tee shirts: Tee shirts will be sold at all events.

  8. Peace Corps Partnership Project to fund in December

    The organizer is Anna Steeves-Reece, a Eugene PCV. Her project is not yet listed with the PCPP but it should be there by the December board meeting. The total cost of the project is $1,500 and she has already secured funding for $1,000 of that. WCPCA might consider a contribution of $250 when the project is posted. The project is to purchase a mill, which will help fund a maternal heath care center in Nicaragua.

  9. NPCA Letter to President Obama about Peace Corps funding and new Peace Corps Director.

    A motion was made and carried, to add WCPCA’s name to a letter drafted by the NPCA to President Obama to continue funding of the Peace Corps at the highest level, and to appoint a Peace Corps Director who is a Returned Volunteer. Dorothy will sign and send a copy of the letter approval to the NPCA by December 3. (A copy of the letter is attached to the agenda.)

  10. Review of draft WCPCA Final Report for 2011

    Board members were asked to review the draft Annual Report for WCPCA and submit changes or fill in the blanks before the potluck.

  11. Final 2012 board meeting

    The incoming and outgoing boards will meet together on December 10th. Anna Steeves-Reece will be a guest at the meeting to talk about her PCPP in Nicaragua. See item 8 above for a description of the project.

    The joint meeting will be to make plans for 2013 and learn from the experience of the new board. Dale will present a draft budget.

  12. Program planning for 2013.

    Josette gave Patty an outline of the procedures that were used to plan the potlucks in 2012. This included a list of members who were willing to open their homes for the potlucks as well as some tips about using disposable plates and dinnerware versus washable dishware.

  13. Meeting was adjourned a little after 9:00 pm. The next meeting will be December 10th at 7:00 pm at Dorothy’s home.