West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us


"Your donation is absolutely indispensable!" writes PCV Laura Kutner, a 2002 graduate of Portland’s Lincoln High School. West Cascade helped Laura build a library at her Peace Corps site last year in Granados, Guatemala.

The West Cascade Peace Corps Association is helping Peace Corps volunteers from Oregon, like Laura, make real differences in the lives of people around the world. In the last two years we have contributed to equipping elementary school libraries in Samoa and Guatemala, a girls’ leadership camp in Armenia, humanitarian projects in Haiti, access to potable water in Ghana, building medical facilities in a Tanzanian village, and educating street children in Brazil. Our contributions to Peace Corps and other humanitarian projects since the organization’s founding in 1986 exceed $32,000. Click here to see a list of the projects that the organization has funded. On that project page, you can click on the names of individual projects to learn more about them.

Donations to WCPCA support projects of Peace Corps volunteers and humanitarian organizations around the world. WCPCA is an all-volunteer organization, so your donation goes directly to overseas projects and related activities. Donors may also request that their contribution be added to the principal of the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund that is described below and whose distributions fund PC projects.

The memorial is an endowed fund that WCPCA created with the Oregon Community Foundation using the dedicated gifts of three donors. The fund was named for the late Beryl Brinkman, a founding member of WCPCA, who dedicated her life to humanitarian causes. The fund is now valued at approximately $26,000. Click here for further information about Ms. Brinkman and the fund.

Donations are tax deductible because WCPCA is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Our tax ID number is 26-2955776. Donations may be made through the website using the PayPal button below, or by a check made out to WCPCA and sent to P.O. Box 5462, Eugene, OR 97405. The WCPCA board thanks all donors in advance for their invaluable support.

July, 2010