West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, May 2, 2011

Location: Home of Dorothy Soper

Attendees: Miriam Aiken, Nick Bosustow, Maggie Keenan, Felicia Kenney, Jack Meacham, Dale Morse, Wendy Nelson, Rosa Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada

  1. President Dorothy Soper opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. There were no additions to the agenda.

  2. Dorothy announced that Miriam Aiken has agreed to take on the role of Secretary after the June meeting, when Wendy Nelson steps down.

  3. WCPCA has received thank you letters in response to our donations to Peace Corps Partnership Projects.

    • 4/25/11: to WCPCA from the Peace Corps thanking the organization for a contribution of $960 to the PCPP, Expanding Educational Resources, in Kyrgyz Republic.  This project has been organized by a PCV from Oregon.

    • Letter and photos from Oregon PCV Margot Paulson whose project in Ukraine was funded by WCPCA in 2010.  She and one of her students wrote to thank the organization and give a progress report on the creation of an English language resource room in a middle school.  Good progress and student success were reported. 

  4. Dale Morse reported on the regional meeting in Spokane on April 30. His written report will be in the June newsletter.

    • Our proposal to host the 2012 regional campout was accepted. Dale will inform Sam Greer so the appropriate preparations can begin.

    • WCPCA is the only regional group that has not yet contributed to Joe Hindman, the regional representative. The board agreed that we will send $100 to rectify this.

  5. Dorothy mentioned that volunteers are still needed to assist with the UO street fair this week. Anyone interested should contact Justin Overdevest.

  6. Maggie Keenan reported on plans for the NOM party, which will take place at the Many Nations Longhouse on the UO campus on June 3.

    • Mayor Kitty Piercy has agreed to present the keynote address.

    • There will be approximately 20-30 potential PCVs in attendance.

    • Volunteers are needed to assist with set up, greeting, and food pick-up. A request will be placed in the WCPCA newsletter.

  7. The Grand Floral Parade will take place in Portland on June 11. Interested WCPCA members who wish to march in the parade should contact Rich Ireland.

  8. Bob Watada is continuing with plans to host the summer picnic on August 13. Those planning to attend are requested to RSVP, so we know how much food will need to be provided. RSVPs will be requested via the July and August newsletters.

  9. Dorothy renewed her request to form a committee to plan our participation in the Eugene Celebration.

    • We will need a parade crew and a tent crew, including people to staff our booth, help with set up and take down, and to collect and distribute props (flags, etc.).

    • Board members are requested to contact WCPCA members to encourage their participation.

    • We will attempt to recruit interested members at the next potluck.

  10. Felicia Kenney informed us that the City Club presentation is still uncertain. They have been hesitant to schedule a firm date, and we may not be the right type of group for their organization.

  11. The board expressed its approval for Andrew Dempsey-Karp to pursue a Peace Corps table at the Country Fair in July. He will attend the next board meeting to discuss plans.

  12. A “Help Wanted” article appeared in the May newsletter to ask WCPCA members to volunteer to handle our two ongoing fundraising activities, sale of tee shirts and calendars, organization of the NOM party and the Eugene Celebration.  Members interested in helping were asked to email Dorothy and Maggie.

    Dorothy asked board members to telephone WCPCA members whom they know or feel comfortable in approaching to ask for their help with the fundraisers and WCPCA’s participation in the Eugene Celebration.  She’ll email board members the list of names of people who indicated a willingness to help with 50th activities when telephoned last year by the committee that John Hofer headed.

  13. Miriam presented the idea that the board should make a donation in memory of Artis Spriggs. After some discussion, it was suggested that we donate $500 to a humanitarian project, and encourage friends of Artis to contribute as well. Felicia moved that the board approve this suggestion, Miriam seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. Felicia and Miriam will present potential recipients at the next meeting.

  14. There was a brief discussion of Peace Corps Partnership Projects in need of funding. None of the projects met the board’s criteria, so we will readdress potential donations at the next meeting.

  15. Felicia informed the board that the next newsletter will be late due to her travel plans. She also announced that she may be leaving the board in a year, so there may be a need to select and train someone to take over her duties.

  16. Felicia presented an idea to begin developing an information sharing website to be used by current PCVs in the field. It would contain information about developing common projects, in an attempt to pool the knowledge of Volunteers who have similar projects in various countries. Dorothy, Felicia, and Miriam will meet to begin planning how to implement such an idea.

  17. Dale distributed the treasurer’s report.  The main changes in balances reflect the funding of a PCPP project for $960 from the restricted account and the deposit of membership dues in the checking account.  Current balance in the WCPCA accounts at OCCU are the following:

    OCCU checking and savings accounts: $7,284

    *OCCU restricted account: $930

    Balance in the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund at the Oregon Community Foundation, September, 2010: $26,652. 

    *Note that the restricted account at OCCU may be used only to fund humanitarian projects or to contribute to the principal of Beryl’s fund. 

Next Board Meeting: Monday, June 13, 7pm, at the home of Dorothy Soper.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy Nelson.