West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Minutes Of The WCPCA Board Meeting, March 7, 2011

Location: Home of Dorothy Soper

Attendees: Miriam Aiken, James Cloutier, Maggie Keenan, Felicia Kenney, Jack Meacham, Dale Morse, Wendy Nelson, Rosa Sakanishi, Dorothy Soper, Wayne Thompson, Bob Watada

  1. President Dorothy Soper opened the meeting at 7:10 PM. There were no additions to the agenda.

  2. Felicia Kenney expressed a need for someone to help with formatting the newsletter. A request will be included in the next newsletter.

  3. Dorothy reported that we have 137 current members.

  4. Dorothy and Felicia are organizing the WCPCA presentation to the Lane County League of Women Voters.  This will take place at noon on Thursday, April 21st, and the public is invited.  They will adapt the format of the OLLI presentation to the shorter time frame of one hour and ask different members of WCPCA to participate.

  5. Maggie Keenan and Wayne Thompson gave a brief report of the March 1 events. A group picture from the noon event will be posted on the website, along with the proclamation from Kitty Piercy. Both the afternoon and evening events were well attended.

  6. All but 4 of the 50th anniversary t-shirts have been sold or given away. James Cloutier has received an agreement from the printers to print 36 more shirts at a cost of $6 each. They will be marketed to other RPCV groups and advertised in the newsletter and on the website.

  7. There was a discussion of additional 50th anniversary activities.

    • Maggie and her daughter will give a presentation at Lane Community College for their International Day on May 4th.

    • The National Association of Retired Employees has requested a speaker for March 28. Dorothy will contact them to find out more details.

    • Felicia will discuss a presentation to City Club with John Hofer and Bob Watada.

    • Maggie will draft a brochure about WCPCA to be made available at speaking events.

    • Dorothy will approach recently returned PCVs about being available to speak at events.

  8. FOOD for Lane County has requested volunteers for the Chef’s Night Out on April 5. James will approach WCPCA members about participating.

  9. The regional RPCV meeting takes place in Spokane on April 30. WCPCA members are encouraged to attend and to suggest agenda items. Dale Morse will attend.

  10. Sam Greer has offered to organize the 2012 regional campout at “Norton Gulch Group Site” which is off of Arago Cape Highway near North Bend and Coos Bay. He’ll reserve the campsite for an extended weekend in early August, 2012. Felicia moved that we accept his offer, Miriam Aiken seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

    Dale talked to the board about whether we should contribute to the principal of the Beryl Brinkman Memorial Fund at OCF at this time. Dale noted that OCF’s distribution to WCPCA in 2011 will be $1,190 which is 4.5% of the principal. OCF will also add about 3% to the principal which is protecting it against inflation.  Dale felt that it isn’t necessary at this time for the board to contribute to the principal and should feel at liberty to award OCF’s distributions as grants.

  11. Miriam presented some options for the grants to be awarded by the board in April. It was agreed that we will continue to grant our funds to Peace Corps Partnership Projects with a connection to Oregon whenever possible. Each board member is asked to present a project for consideration at the April board meeting.

  12. The next WCPCA potluck will take place on Friday, April 8. The speaker will be Audrey Squires, a new WCPCA member who served in Guatemala, 2008-2010. The potluck will be at the home of Dale Morse.  Dale offered at the board meeting subject to his wife’s approval.  It’s definite now that they will host the potluck. The new contacts from the March 1 events will be invited.

  13. Dorothy informed the board that John Hofer has resigned from the board.

Next Board Meeting: Monday, April 11, 7pm, at the home of Dorothy Soper.

Next Potluck: Friday, April 8, 6-8:30pm. Location TBD.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Wendy Nelson.