West Cascade Peace Corps Association
About Us

Quarterly Report - May 20, 2006

West Cascade Peace Corps Association

Quarterly Report Western Region - National Peace Corps Association

May 20,2006
Seattle, Washington

West Cascade Peace Corps Association activities since the January 2006 report includes:

  1. Fund-raising dinner at TaRaRin Thai Restaurant
  2. Monthly potlucks in February, March and April with an average of 35 RPCVs attending
  3. Volunteering the staff for a clean-up effort after the Food for Lane County's Annual Fundraising "Chef's Night Out" at the the Hult Center. Fifteen RPCVs furnished the labor.
  4. The March potluck event featured a cake for the 45th Anniversary of the Peace Corps. The program speakers were volunteers in Ukraine from 2002-2004.
  5. The April meeting featured speakers from the Lake County Darfur Coalition. Nearly 40 people came to hear about the crisis in Darfur.
  6. In May, the NOM (nomination) party for outgoing Peace Corps Volunteers into service drew nearly 80 people. It was celebrated in the Many Nations Long House. International students, RPCVS, staff from Peace Corps headquarters in Seattle and the nominees rounded out the crowd. Many new Peace Corps volunteers wanted to keep in touch with West Cascade via email when they are in service.
  7. Web site renovation is coming along slowly.
  8. Number of members of the NPCA/West Cascade = 83, RPCVs on data base = 357
  9. Inventory of tee-shirts and sweatshirts available.
  10. Money in bank - $6300. Investment in Calvert Fund through NPCA - $2000.
  11. Donation given to Eugene area Peace Corps Volunteer Lathem Wood in Micronesia for business calculators.
  12. Eugene area directory of RPCVs in the works.

Report Submitted by
Beryl Brinkman, President
West Cascade Peace Corps Association